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The Art of Waterjet Cutting

The waterjet’s versatility is hard to beat. “We’ve cut everything from metal to mirrors on there,” Sanders said. Because the waterjet stream has abrasive garnet incorporated into it, the jet can cut through various materials, thin or thick, hardened or soft, ferrous or nonferrous, and organic or synthetic. Read

Processing Power

By applying advanced cutting models and using built-in compensations for speed and acceleration, the right waterjet software is able to provide exceptional results in rapid high-precision abrasive waterjet machining. Read

Learn By Doing: Cal Poly Integrates Compact Waterjet into Engineering

California Polytechnic State University’s (Cal Poly) Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) Department is ensuring its students are prepared for the future of fabrication by integrating abrasive waterjet into their curriculum. Read

Thor Trucks Finds the Right Tools from OMAX Corp.

Thor Trucks’ owners believe this could not be achieved without the aid of OMAX Corp.’s MAXIEM 1530 abrasive waterjet. An abrasive waterjet uses a high-pressure stream of water and abrasive to slice a narrow line into a wide variety of materials, resulting in accurate shapes. Read

New Co-Lab Tool Slices Through Metal with Water

“This is a very efficient way to do what you want to do,” said Martin Brooke, associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who has students who have used the cutter. “It’s a nice gap-filler between 3-D printing and full-blown millwork.” Read

Save Money with Optimal Waterjet Software

In abrasive waterjets, hardware performance only provides a portion of the potential cutting performance returns. An optimal software controller is capable of extreme precision throughout every angle and curve in a cut while increasing speed of production and reducing cost of consumables. Read

Should You Own a Waterjet?

If you started out like most shops, cutting, polishing and making all sink cutouts by hand and your volume is increasing, then a waterjet may be your best next step in the evolution of your shop. Read

Buying a Waterjet: A Personal Journey

I was expecting to read the typical descriptions about the quality of the ballscrews, the precision and accuracy of the cuts, and of course the reliable and consistently high psi achieved by the hydraulic drive pump, but to my surprise, the MAXIEM line of waterjets use neither ballscrews nor a hydraulic intensifier pump— they use a direct drive pump. Read

Supersonic water jet keeps Hercs flying

The 934th Maintenance Squadron aircraft metals technology shop installed a new waterjet cutting machine, also known as an OMAX Computer Numerical Control Waterjet Machining Center. Read

Shop Breaks from Pack with Waterjet Cutting

Price talked with his colleagues in manufacturing and racing to secure waterjet work while consulting with manufacturers of waterjet machines. Ultimately he purchased a Maxiem 1530 JetMachining Center from Omax Corp., Kent, WA. Read

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